Sunday, 27 September 2009

I am an IAM now, I am

Good day, yesterday - passed my Institute of Advance Motorists Bike Test, so now a qualified IAM member!


  1. Congratulations. I recently did one of the BikeSafe courses with the Police. I am thinking of doing the IAM course later in the year - would you recommend it and how long did it take?

  2. Hi Gary, Yes I'd recommend it - may seem expensive at £139 but I feel it was worth it. The course is run over 7 runs with an Observer (someone qualified to advise on your riding skills and ability) - an 'Initial' (to gauge your skills and needs), 5 observed runs where skills are enhanced, and a 'Final' where the Senior Observer sees if you are Test-Ready (and it doesn't matter if you are not, training will continue until you are!). The runs are usually 2 weeks apart, giving time for you to practice what you've been advised. The Test is usually done by Class 1 Police Rider.
    It really is a Skills For Life course, everyone I know who has been on it says it has improved their riding.
    I enjoyed it so much, this year I started training to be an Observer myself.


  3. Russ,

    Thanks for the info. I am about to go on a long bike trip, but I think I will do the IAM course when I get back.

